Our lab is part of the Organic and Carbon Electronics Laboratories (ORaCEL).
ORaCEL is a joint lab of NCSU with research activities in organic and hybrid electronics spanning multiple departments. Shared equipment includes:
Sample Preparation: Glove boxes (equipped with spin-coater and thermal/e-beam/RF sputter vacuum evaporator), Organic Molecular Beam Deposition, Blade Coating Facility.
Sample Characterization: Glove box equipped w/ solar simulator and quantum efficiency testing, UV-Vis and Infrared Spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Janis Probe Station for Charge Transport Measurements, Atomic Force Microscopy (with conductive capabilities), Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, and 2-Photon Photoelectron Spectrometer and powder X-ray diffractometer (coming soon).
Click here for a tour of the lab.
Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF)
The AIF is NC State’s primary shared facility for materials characterization. It includes most state-of-the-art analytical and materials characterization instrumentation including XRD, SEM, TEM, AFM and XPS etc.
The Molecular Education, Technology and Research Innovation Center (METRIC)
METRIC is a shared facility including analytical instrumentation such as single-crystal X-ray diffractometer, Mass Spectrometry and NMR etc.
Most of the hybrid solid-state material structures are deposited to Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC).
Most of the all inorganic solid-state material structures are deposited to Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD).
Most of the calculated structures are listed on the Materials Project, some of them have not been synthesized experimentally. Phase diagrams can also be found here.
You need access for the first two while the last one is free to everyone.